Message to all Parents / Carers
Message from Mark Wilson, CEO Wellspring Academy Trust
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Last night’s message from the Prime Minister began to set out a roadmap for the government’s pathway out of lockdown. It appears fair to say that it has created at least as much confusion as it has resolved. I felt it important to write to you today to set out our forward plan.
We remain in the midst of a national emergency. The strong advice remains: stay at home if you can. Please follow the guidance. Continue to take every measure you can to minimise your potential risk of exposure to the virus and that of your loved ones.
As I wrote to you earlier in this emergency: Onsite provision at school necessarily assumes that there is a workforce present to staff it. School staff stand at the frontline of this national effort. You can help our schools enormously throughout this period by:
- Abiding by their decision-making
- Refraining from contacting with questions and queries during the school day
- Keeping your child safe at home
Thank you for supporting your school by following these simple principles.
When schools do begin the process of reintroducing more young people into them, social distancing protocols will of course apply. These protocols apply equally to staff and students. This will necessarily limit the number of pupils that we can take into the building at any one time. While the Prime Minister mentioned certain Year Groups as priorities for reintroduction to school last night, the practical challenges involved are very real and very substantial. We will keep you informed of our planning and provisioning during the course of the coming weeks.
Health & Safety will remain our paramount concern – we will not put your child or members of our staff at risk. We will work co-operatively with our leaders, our staff and trade unions to provide the optimal safe environment now, in the coming weeks and throughout the duration of this period. We believe that it is likely to be an extended period. Social distancing protocols are likely to be in force for some time to come, likely until the development and national roll-out of a vaccine. We have no way of knowing when that might be. Until that point… school life, like many other aspects of our lives, cannot return to what we understand as ‘normal.’ As with the simple act of going into a shop, our view of what to expect will have to adapt to what is possible.
We are reviewing our arrangements for the delivery of home learning and are preparing our schools for the reintroduction of students with social distancing and enhanced hygiene measures in place for when that time comes. In the meantime, we will keep you informed of developments as they happen and in good time. Until then, please assume that there is no change in arrangements as they currently stand.
Please do not be worried. We can only respect each individual’s view of what is safe and appropriate for the members of their family. At the point that the gradual reintroduction of pupils begins, we will not expect of you anything that you are uncomfortable with.
My sincere best wishes for your continued good health and that of your loved ones,
Mark Wilson
CEO, Wellspring Academy Trust