Measles outbreaks
You may be aware that measles is currently circulating in Yorkshire with cases seen in children and young adults in Leeds and Bradford. There are also measles outbreaks in other parts of the UK and in some countries in Europe, so we are encouraging parents to ensure all children are up-to-date with MMR vaccination prior to the summer months when travel is at its peak.
Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious for some people. Public Health England has the following advice which can be found here in this PDF. Alternatively keep reading.
The best way to protect you and your family from measles is with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. This vaccine is usually given at 1 year of age, with a second dose at around 3 years and 5 months, as part of the NHS Childhood Immunisation Programme. Please check you are all up to date by checking your child’s red book, or contacting your GP surgery if you’re unsure. MMR vaccine can be given to adults of any age.
• If you, or anyone in your family, aren’t up-to-date with the vaccine, this can be arranged with your GP surgery. We are encouraging all people in Leeds to do this now, particularly if they are planning to travel or go to festivals over the summer. It is never too late to vaccinate because measles can be serious at any age.
• Be aware of the symptoms of measles, and if you have symptoms, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from schools, nursery and childminder settings and GP surgeries and A&E departments – because measles is extremely infectious, you could spread the illness to others.
• Symptoms of measles include: high fever; sore, red, watery eyes; coughing; aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red – brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.
• Further information regarding measles can be found at: